Monday, May 3

geometry rocks!

Oh wait, that's geology isn't it? Well, no matter. I'm working on an ABC of geometry, shapes and that kinda thing for a uni project.

The written side of our course this semester has been called Writing for Images and has been really fun. The submission includes two original written pieces and a visual piece developed from a third piece of writing. I've gone with my informative alphabet we did a few weeks ago and am going to work up 8 or so images and keep the rest roughs - apparently that's OK. But who knows, I might try and finish the whole lot over summer as I think it would make a lovely border for a child's wall. I'm making each letter a square 7 and 1/2" so they could be rearranged into a poster format too.

I really enjoy painting paper with acrylic for collage like this as you can be precise with your palette, but today I also used a toothbrush to flick paint to give a bit more texture. Simple but effective I think. Thanks Eric Carle!

1 comment:

nikki_gardham said...

Very sexy... and the geometry too. Zing!