Monday, October 4


A little side-project of my current uni brief which is about Last of the Mohicans.

These little watercolour paintings are of wampum, the beadwork made by Native Americans of the Eastern woodlands.

The beads were made of the insides of clam shells and are a lovely shade of purple. They were often made into geometric patterned beaded belts to be given as wedding or engagement presents. I was inspired to try my own patterns and I have to say that painting all the little rectangles is kind of like needlepoint - very relaxing!

These three are now in my shop.


shellie said...

i am on a purple kick currently so this is VERY lovely to me right now!

helicopter6 said...

Love the rhythm in these pieces. There's always a 'sound' that emanates from this kind of abstraction. Glad it was relaxing!!